Eco-Friendly Practices in the Middle East

Sustainability issues are increasing day by day, as a result, investors are now placing value in companies with vital sustainability initiatives and strategies. Middle Eastern countries are an excellent example of that, they are doing their best to do Eco-friendly Practices in the Middle East.

Examples of Middle Eastern countries with sustainability schemes

The middle east has countries that are looking for green technologies and practices. For example, Egypt has now announced a sustainable development strategy, the U.A.E. has announced a new Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, and Saudi Arabia has also announced that sustainability is their number one priority in their 2030 vision.

What is MGI?

The Middle East Green Initiative (MGI) is a regional effort and Saudi Arabia is the leader of this project, MGI’s major purpose is to face climate change and to achieve global climate targets, this can be done by increasing cooperation between the middle eastern countries and creating the infrastructure that is needed to reduce emissions and protect the environment.

MGI aims to play a very important role in the global fight against climate change, whilst creating long-term economic opportunities for the middle east region, and to achieve the MGI’s strategy fast, HRH the Crown Prince has announced that Saudi Arabia will establish and host a dedicated MGI Secretariat and the country will pay US $2.5 billion to MGI’s aims and projects.

What are MGI’s main TARGETS?

The Middle East Initiative has determined its targets which take important actions against climate change, here are some examples of MGI’s targets:

  1. Plant 50 billion trees all over the middle east in order to create a green future in the Middle East, trees play a very important role in improving the air quality, they absorb carbon dioxide emissions to reduce the bad effects of climate change, trees help in stabilizing soils and protect the area from floods and dust storms, achieving this goal will create new job opportunities for people and help remote countries to
  2. support the middle east region to reduce 670 tons of CO2e emissions, MGI is interested in reducing the emissions of CO2e to achieve a net zero target and to protect our environment to guarantee a green future for the Middle East.


MGI’s steps to reduce regional emissions

MGI is taking steps in order to reduce those emissions to promote eco-friendly investments and policies and to improve the infrastructure and ability for climate action within the region.

Action 1: Rally the region, which means the occurrence of cooperation between the Middle Eastern countries towards their shared goal which is creating a green and better future for the region.

MGI’s goals have inspired many countries to move towards a carbon-free future and make a huge global impact.

MGI Initiatives

Cross-border collaboration and innovation which is going to help put the region at the front of climate change action.

Saudi Arabia is playing a major role in programs and centers that will help the region to achieve MGI’s main targets, This infrastructure will support the knowledge exchange which is needed to protect the environment, raise regional coordination, and reduce CO2e emissions. these programs are going to help in attracting investments in key focus areas such as the circular carbon economy and afforestation.

Here are some middle eastern initiatives and efforts in sustainability

    1. A helpful platform to accelerate the implementation of the Circular Carbon
    2. A regional Center for climate
    3. A regional program for cloud
    4. A regional center to warn you of early
    5. A regional center for carbon extraction, utilization, and
    6. A regional center for sustainable development of
    7. A ‘clean fuel solutions for cooking’ initiative which is going to benefit more than 750 million people in the
    8. A regional investment fund for Circular Carbon Economy technology
    9. Establishing the Green Initiative Foundation which is a non-profit and independent
    10. Regional campaign to help clean plastics from oceans.

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