Empowering Tomorrow: Global Conference Explores Local Solutions to Climate and Biodiversity Crises

This October, a transformative event is set to unfold, where minds will converge, ideas will spark, and solutions will bloom. Join us for a two-day global conference, either in Nairobi or from the comfort of your home online, as we delve deep into the heart of local solutions to combat the climate and biodiversity crises.

Event Highlights

Day 1: Africa’s Sovereign Solutions The focus shifts to Africa, a continent rich in innovation and potential. Discover how Africa can carve a path towards prosperity and sustainability, laying the foundation for a resilient future.

Day 2: Crafting a Survival Guide for a Planet in Crisis Day two is dedicated entirely to addressing the climate emergency. Together, let’s craft a Survival Guide for a Planet in Crisis, setting the stage for a fairer world ahead of the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP28). It’s a call for collective action and a blueprint for change.

Thematic Areas: Solutions for a Better Tomorrow

  1. Rural Development and Green Jobs Foster rural development, green jobs, and local action. Explore landscape solutions that promote economic growth, enhance livelihoods, and create sustainable environments in rural areas.
  2. Empowering Women in Landscapes Acknowledge the pivotal role women play in sustainable landscapes and food systems. Address gender disparities, promote gender-inclusive approaches, and empower women in environmental decision-making processes.
  3. Youth Leadership and Innovation Explore how young leaders are shaping resilient landscapes, driving environmental awareness, and designing sustainable solutions through digital innovation. Witness the power of the next generation.
  4. Environmental Justice and Rights Advocate for equity, uphold the rights to land, and dignify life on Earth. Support movements and communities, ensuring justice for Indigenous Peoples, women, youth, and local communities.
  5. Sustainable Finance Accelerate investments in nature-based business models and climate solutions. Focus on supporting actors in the Global South, fostering climate and biodiversity finance, and championing adaptation and carbon markets.
  6. Locally-Led Landscape Solutions Dive into holistic landscape approaches. Discover solutions for mitigation and adaptation, including restoration and sustainable food systems. Learn how local contexts hold the key to environmental challenges.

This global conference isn’t just an event; it’s a movement. A movement towards a sustainable, equitable future. We invite leading scientists, activists, Indigenous leaders, policymakers, and changemakers from all walks of life to join hands in this vital endeavor. Together, let’s amplify the voices that matter the most and craft a roadmap for a greener, fairer world.

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