Initiating the Green ICV: MoIAT’s Incentive Program for Companies Embracing Sustainable Practices

The Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT) has introduced the inclusion of the Green ICV standards and incentives in the National In-Country Value (ICV) Program, aiming to promote sustainable practices across diverse supply chains.

Revealed during ADIPEC 2023, this criterion allows companies to earn additional ICV points by pledging to adhere to sustainability-related standards and policies. This potential 3% bonus on their total ICV score enhances their competitive advantage in the procurement process.

Companies and manufacturers are evaluated according to their performance in sustainability, water management, circular practices, and efforts to reduce emissions.

Additionally, they receive recognition for acquiring ISO certificates associated with sustainable practices and securing Green Industries Environmental  Labeling from the Environment Agency in Abu Dhabi.

Starting on October 5th, 2023, manufacturers and service providers can initiate the application process for the newly introduced bonus.

Sustainability and competitiveness

This initiative aims to enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of the national industrial sector, aligning with the objectives outlined in the National Strategy for Industry and Advanced Technology, Operation 300bn, and the targets set by ‘We the UAE 2031.’ The overall goals include attaining self-sufficiency and industrial security, augmenting added value within the UAE, elevating the competitiveness of national industries, and curbing emissions.

Through incentivizing companies and manufacturers for their involvement in national sustainability endeavors, the new bonus system aims to motivate them to actively contribute to the UAE’s Net Zero by 2050 strategic initiative while also encouraging the adoption of circular practices.

How to apply?

To apply for the new criteria, only companies that hold ICV certification are eligible. Companies and manufacturers interested in applying should demonstrate their dedication to sustainability standards and policies. It’s important to note that all applications will undergo independent evaluation to ensure adherence to the specified criteria.

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