The COP28 President welcomes the US-China agreement

His Excellency Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, the president of COP28, congratulated and greeted the US and China because of the remarkable announcement on climate cooperation.

Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber said: “This announcement is a response to the repeated calls from the global community to take action and raise the bar for an ambitious response to the first global stocktake.”

Dr. Sultan added, “The world wants good news, and expectations are still high. We should bring back trust in multilateralism. The announcement displays that, when we work to achieve the common good, we can deliver insightful, meaningful, and amazing results.”

A major achievement ahead of COP28 is the agreement struck by the US and China. Dr. Al Jaber stated that the commitment to drastically reduce methane emissions and address all greenhouse gases through economy-wide NDCs, while anticipating peaking in this crucial decade, along with the tripling of renewable capacity and the cutting of power-sector emissions by 2030, will have a significant impact on future generations.

His Excellency said: “The Global Stocktake proves that there is too much effort to be done to get back in the saddle and keep 1.5C within reach.

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